It's not funny

Harley Riders

Two Harley riders needed to fill up with petrol, so they pulled in at their local shell garage.

When they went in to pay the attendant said, "Have you seen our new promotion?" and pointed to a big sign that said, "If you can guess the number your cashier is thinking of, you win free sex!"

"Hey!" said one Harley rider. "I'm game!"

So the attendant said, "OK, what's your guess?"

"Three!" said the Harley rider.

"Sorry", said the attendant. "I was thinking of seven. Better luck next time!"

The following week the Harley riders needed fuel again, and decided to go back to the same petrol station to see if their luck with free sex was any better this time around.

"Four?" asked the Harley rider.

"Sorry, wrong again, mate." said the attendant. "This time I was thinking of eight. Come again soon!"

As they were walking out back to their bikes, the Harley rider said to his mate, "You know, I'm beginning to think there's no way to win this. It may be rigged just so we spend more money at this petrol station."

"You're wrong." said the second Harley rider. "My missus has won twice already!"

Anonymous 06/15/2004Categories: Slightly Smutty, Biker

Jade Cat Ltd.